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After our students' recital, some of my students are willing to start new big piece(s) she/ he will work on for a long span( one year.) for the next year's big stage.

小学校3年CHちゃんは一年生から始めて、初めての発表会でエリーゼのためにを弾き、2年目はトルコ行進曲と決めて他の小さい曲をやりながら、1年間練習してきました。オクターブもなかなか届かなかったのが、一年たって身体も成長し、発表会で自信もついてオクターブへの恐怖は取れました。次の曲はシューベルトの軍隊行進曲をしようかと、今相談しています。Piano AdventureのGrade3.4をやりながら、Chopinの子犬のワルツも始め、ハイドンの短いソナチネの三楽章を短期間で仕上げながら、SCHUBERTを連弾版にするか、ソロにするか相談中です。

Ms. CH played Beethoven's " Fur Elise" at the first year's recital. 2nd year, " Turkish March" by Mozart. She was not able to reach octaves but now, she has grown and has no more fear about octaves. She rather wants to try a piece with lots of octaves, " Schubert's Military March." is one of her choice. She has been already working on a short but fast 3d mvt. of Hydn's Sonatina and Chopin's " Puppy's waltz."

前回のレッスンで、CHちゃんの前の高校生のお姉さんと、シューベルト軍隊行進曲の連弾版はこんな感じよと、弾いてあげたのだが、私には本当に楽しかった、嬉しかった。それなら高校生のお姉さんのEさんとCHちゃんで4手(連弾)をしたら?と夢は広がる。E さんはCHちゃんの良いお姉さんをしてくれると思うし、現実化したらなんて素敵!

At the last lesson, a high school student、 Ms. E ,who comes to lesson before Ms.CH、 and I played the Schubert piece for four hands version as a demonstration for Ms.CH, and I had a blast. What a joy for me to be able to play beautiful piano pieces with my students!! Perhaps, CH and E can play together!! How nice it should be!

3S principle ; STEADY, SMALL, SLOW

インスタで知り合ったIowaのピアノの先生JUDI ( linktr.JudisPiano )さんから教えてもらった 3S principle ; STEADY, SMALL, SLOWで練習しなさい、と言うとても分かり易いアドバイスを新しい大曲に取り組む生徒さんには言い聞かせている。そして自分でもそれを実践してみたいと思い、全く今まで知らなかった新しい曲を自分でも始めて見る事にした。

After I started my piano class Instagram, I got to know wonderful piano teachers from all over the world and I am very grateful that I can share my teaching idea with piano teachers from all over the world. Until now, it has been more, they giving me tips and idea, not I giving them some ideas. I have to work on it to be reciprocal.

One of piano teacher from Iowa, JUDI was posting a wonderful poster about how to practice with 3S principle; SLOW , SMALL, STEADY,, This is such a simple reminder and I have been working on a new piece with the 3S principles too. 


My brand new piece is a short Sonata by Domenico Scarlatti.


Short and simple, but still not that easy. It's been one week but my idea and technique do not fall in a place.



First, read notes, flow of phrases, decide the fingerings


Make the images for each passages clear; how I want to play?


In this piece, there are passages where Right hand and Left hand crush. I have to calm down to take a good look of how these fingers should be placed in the passage.


Oh! but how I wish I could play this piece beautifully & effortlessly!



With this piece, my ideal is play playfully and effortlessly as if two dancers ; right hand and left hand are dancing.

弾き始めて一週間目、本日一応録画してみたが、暗譜がまだきちんとされていなかった為、繰り返しを一回余計にして、でも音楽的にはそんなにおかしくないので、そのままにして、This is recording of Week 1. Need more practice! It should not showing much difficulties. I have to memorize with clearer images of the music.

また、来週ぐらいには YOUTUBEにあげられるぐらいに弾きこなしていたいもの、と思っています。

Hope I can improve and upload in YOUTUBE next week!


Together with my students,, SLOW. SMALL, STEADY!!

JUDIさんありがとう! Thanks a bunch, JUDI and Instagram!( Facebook) JUDIS PIANO!!



SLOW ゆっくり練習しましょう!



STEADY 継続した練習こそ、願う通りに弾ける様になる方法です。



SMALL  小さく区切って部分練習し、手がどこからどこへ飛ぶか飛び方を叩き込みましょう。スポーツと同じです。


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