F Major scale fingering & Japanese Yakuza/ F major scale の指使い・小指を失ったヤクザさんも弾けるヘ長調の音階!
I teach my students that scales, arpeggios are fundamentals of piano playing. They are like having vehicles to move around on 88 piano keys.If you can not do, If you do not know how to move, you have to stay within a radius of five fingers .
When I learned piano, there was no explanation of structure of scales, We just had to practice. .
私のポリシーは 私の生徒は全て 強制ではなく、説明のついた最も時間の短い効果的な方法でピアノ演奏に必要な技術と知識を伝授する事。
My belief is that my students should learn everything in most effective ways with clear understanding, not just do this and that、without explanation which was common in my time.
I teach scales with basic music theory explanation and systematic ways.
Today, with Miss.CH, who has been taking lesson from me for the last 2 years and had already done C, G, D, A.,++Major scales once we went through all Right hand SHARPS & Flat key Major scales . We reviewed Tetra chords, leading note, bound up to TONIC with a half step,, etc,,,then looked into fingerings of all the scales and sorted out patterns.
今日、過去2年間私にピアノを習っている CHちゃん、すでに123−12345の指使いの長調の音階は何度かやって来ていて、まず、最初に仕込むので、きちんと覚えている。それで今日は全調のスケールをカバー。テトラコードの復習、導音と主音の強い結びつきなどを再確認して、指使いでは黒鍵から始まる調は親指から始めない鍵盤の配置と指の関係についての確認、等等を経て ヘ長調に行き着き、ヘ長調右手の音階は小指を使わない唯一の調である事ことを発見。
ALL the Keys that starts from # or flats( on black keys ) ,are all starting not with finger 1( Thumbs) then, when we came to F Major..
We found that we do not use pinky. This happens perfectly in the alignment of piano keys but I like students to remember and often imagination or association helps remembering things. So、、、、
I asked her whether she knew Japanese YAKUZA, hahaha
Do you know Japanese YKUZA?
No, I don’t
They are Japanese Mafia and It is said when they have done something not nice to their bosses, they used to express their remorse by chopping off their pinky that was a big deal but not fatal injury that would be a life threatening, Also it was a proof of covenant that they would be loyal to the boss not to make same mistakes again. So, in olden time, when people see somebody without pinky,, we imagined he/ must be a YAKUZA guy.
She listened with her eyes wide open.. “It must be painful!!”
痛いけれど小指をなくしても死なないから、でもね、小指のないヤクザさんも F- MAJORの音階なら弾けるね!
Yes, but they can still play F major scale!!
“Yeah, they can!!”
ちょっと過激なExampleでしたが、しっかり頭に入ったと思います。 I guess it was a little bit too wacky example but I am sure she can remember F major Right hand scale fingering without pinky!!!
